Subnet mask calculator
With subnet mask you can split your network into subnets. Enter your IP address and play with the second netmask
until the result matches your need.This type of notation is also known as CIDR.
CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing, sometimes known as supernetting) is a way to allocate and specify the
Internet addresses used in inter-domain routing more flexibly than with the original system of Internet Protocol (IP) address classes.
Address: | |
00000011.10001001.10100000.01001010 |
Netmask: | |
11111111.11111111.11111111.11111111 |
Wildcard: | |
00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000 |
Network Address: | / 32 |
00000011.10001001.10100000.01001010 |
Broadcast Address: | |
00000011.10001001.10100000.01001010 |
First host: | |
00000011.10001001.10100000.01001010 |
Last host: | |
00000011.10001001.10100000.01001010 |
Total host count: |
1 |
Term definitions
Wildcard: Inverse of netmask. Used by certain firewalls for access control list
Broadcast: IP broadcast addresses are used for single-packet one-to-everyone delivery.
A sending host addresses the IP packet using a broadcast address and every node on the
sending node's network segment receives and processes the packet. IP broadcast addresses
can be used only as the destination IP address. IP routers do not forward network broadcast packets.